Older Blogs Review

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2011年4月11日 星期一


1. Synopsis (50 words or fewer). CAF reserves the right to edit for style.


With the different viewpoint, the cognition to a thing would be different as well. From the viewpoint of human beings, we would think that the speed of turtles is very slow.

But from the viewpoint of turtles, they might think that it is normal to their speed but the speed of human beings is extremely fast!

2. 2-3 sentence description of the storyline (50 words or fewer). CAF reserves the right to edit for style.


There are two turtles who are doing exhibitions on the street to make money. All of a sudden, the money they earned disappears instantly and the two turtles do not know how it happened.

Hence they have a fight against each other. But the two turtles do not know the fact of how it disappeared is that it is taken by human beings.
